Institutions, Development and Change in Nigeria
In her 56 years of Independence, Nigeria, no doubt has made tremendousstrides. She has continued to hold together against all odds and perhapsto the surprise of many foreign observers and commentators.Nevertheless, many Nigerians will admit that their country has not faredas well as it should, given its enormous human and material resources.Nigeria is plagued by a plethora of developmental challenges. Most ofthese, however, are self-inflicted. Over the years, Nigeria has beenbedevilled by the negative effects of a mono-economy system; systemiccorruption; poor infrastructural facilities such as energy and potable water;lack of efficient and affordable transportation services; falling standardof education and poor healthcare delivery system. As if these were notbad enough, the country has had to deal with such level of insecurity,since its return to democracy in 1999 that it had not witnessed sinceIndependence except during the 3-year civil war.
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