The Nigerian Economy and National Security: 2015 and Beyond


Contemporary situations of extensive threats to human existence andnational survival have brought national security into the centre ofconcerns and interests of regional organisations, nations, groups, andindividuals. These threats to security are no more restricted to life andphysical existence, but now extend to issues of ideology, values, religion,history, economy to mention a few. Based on this, it is becoming clearthat future wars will not necessarily be those of military and armamentsbut of the mind, ideas, morality, ideology, and systems of socio-politicaland economic organisations.National economies have come into greater reckoning in this emergingstate of threats and risks and the accompanying new thinking on nationalsecurity. It is becoming glaring that national power and security arecentrally dependent on the state of the economies, in terms of wealth,growth, stability and the capacity to sustain national goals and interests.As issues are becoming increasingly denominated in terms of humandevelopment and in particular the wellbeing, livelihoods, welfare, andcapacity of citizens, so have national economies become critical not just for fostering and sustaining human development, but as instruments for attaining and protecting national pride, interests, goals and survival.



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